Nutritional Treatment for Iron Deficiency Anemia

iron-deficiency-anemia-2Iron deficiency anemia is a very common condition that I see in my clinic that can be very effectively managed with the right nutritional advice. It leads to fatigue, tiredness and dizziness which can have a huge impact on your daily health and wellbeing. With the right nutritional treatment, anemia can be managed for life. Read more

What causes IBS?

tummyIBS is one of the most common complaints that I see in my clinic. I would estimate that around 80% of my patients suffer from some type of digestive complaint. IBS can include many different types of digestive symptoms such as bloating or discomfort, abdominal pains, cramping and episodes of diarrhoea and/or constipation.  IBS is not a ‘disease’ in itself, more of a label for a set of symptoms. It is said that IBS affects about 20% of the population. Being diagnosed with IBS can be very frustrating, as the cause is often unknown and there is no real medical treatment. It is often put down to stress or anxiety and while this is the case for some, there are many, many other causes that are often overlooked in the medical world. Read more

Nutritional Treatment For Acne

can_popping_pimples_kill_youWhat is acne?

Many people, both men and women, have issues with acne and breakouts. For some it can be hormonal, for others it can be simply due to congestion in the skin glands or it could be due to digestive issues. Acne can be sore, embarrassing and cause you to feel self-conscious but it is not something that you have to put up with as luckily nutritional medicine has a lot to offer to control acne. Read more

Nutritional Treatment of Hayfever

Hayfever season has arrived with spring and over the last few weeks I have seen an increase in hayfever in my patients. For most, hayfever is seasonal because spring time means an increase in pollen from trees, grasses and weeds. In some people prone to allergies, their immune system believes pollen is a harmful invader, triggering production of the antibody immunoglobulin E. This encourages the release of histamine, causing inflammation and swelling of the nasal passages, sinus, throat and eyes.  Other symptoms of hay fever include excessive mucus production, sneezing, itching nose and throat, watery eyes and a clear, runny nose. Hay fever (sometimes called allergic rhinitis) is one of the most common chronic respiratory conditions in this country, affecting around three million Australians. Read more

Top ten myths to losing weight

WeightLossThere are many myths and misconceptions when it comes to weight loss. Unfortunately, there is no single diet that works for all, and no magic pill that can help you lose weight! It takes motivation and dedication to get the weight down. Extremely restrictive diets can damage your health.

Here are my top 10 weight loss myths: Read more

The top 10 benefits of eating organic food

??Many of us are aware that organic produce is a better choice, but do you know all the benefits? There is much more to organic food than simply being free from chemicals. A recent study published by the British Journal of Nutrition found that organic fruit and vegetables have up to 6 times the level of antioxidants than conventional produce. This is thought to be because many antioxidant compounds are phytochemicals (plant based chemicals) that are involved in the plants own defense system. Without chemical pesticides, the plant has to work harder to protect itself and therefore becomes more nutritious for us! So yes, organic food actually is higher in nutrients and therefore better for your health.

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Sports nutrition and meal timing

eat healthy!Sports nutrition is a very well researched area and there are very specific ways in which you can change your diet and food timing to improve performance. Nutrition is vital for all areas of health but especially when it comes to improving your physical goals. Much of the guidelines for sports nutrition come to the timing of your food and exercise.  Here are a few important rules that can be followed to improve your sports performance. Read more

Children’s immunity for winter

sick_childChildhood can be difficult on the immune system. As kids socialise with other children and often start childcare or school, it may seem like they are constantly sick. It is considered ‘normal’ for a child for suffer from 6-8 colds every year. However, each infection should last no longer than 3-5 days. If your child is suffering from infections that last longer than this, or seems to never fully recover between infections then it’s a good sign that their immune system could do with some support. Read more

Stool analysis – What is in your toilet can provide the clue to your better health.

toiletA stool analysis might not sound like a pleasant thing to do, however it can give us so much important information about you. There is only so much to be gained from discussing ones symptoms- a more comprehensive and objective approach is often needed to determine exactly what needs to be addressed to restore your health. A comprehensive digestive stool analysis (CDSA) is what we call a functional diagnostic test. This means we don’t just use it to diagnose a condition but to determine how various aspects of your digestive system are functioning. The test will determine if there are any ‘bad bugs’ hanging around- whether it be a bacterial infection, yeast infection or parasite. It will diagnose exactly what type of bug you have which ultimately determines the treatment approach.  Different parasites, yeasts or bacteria need different treatments in order to kill them off and not knowing exactly what bugs are present makes it difficult to treat. Read more

Crohn’s disease – Naturopathic treatment

The reason that I love treating Crohn’s disease is because there are so many natural and dietary treatment options available. These make a huge difference, can improve the symptoms and heal the ulceration without the need for medication.With a good nutritional plan you have the power to control Crohn’s and remain symptom free for life. Read more