Chiropractic for Back Pain: When is it the right time?
Chiropractic for back pain is a great place to start. Having said that, chiropractic when you don’t have back pain is even better. By the time you have back pain it has already gone too far.
Imagine a golf tee, a small piece of wood barely weighing a gram. But when you bent to pick it up after finishing the last hole, it may as well have been a 300kg barbell. You felt your back pop and now the searing spasm is setting in. How could such a little thing cause such a big problem?
What you didn’t realize is your spine had been going bad for some time now. At some point, your vertebrae lost their alignment – possibly a few months ago from a minor slip or maybe from years of neglect. Subtle nerve pressure ensued (subluxation) and now your muscles are doing just about all they can to keep you upright. Bending over on the 9th green was literally the last tee that broke the camel’s back.
When a minor act turns into a major injury, it’s not what you did that concerns your Chiropractor the most – it’s what you’re NOT doing that does. Paying more attention to the maintenance of your spine is the key not the last event. Do the smart thing – stay regular with your spinal adjustments to prevent a repeat event, get fitter and stronger and be sure to take regular breaks from sitting.

Dr Andrew Richards
Principal Chiropractor
Better Health