Chiropractic for Kids
How old do your children have to be to consider Chiropractic?
This is a question we often get asked. We always answer that you’re never too young, or old, to have a Chiropractic check-up!
Keep in mind that having your spine checked by a professional is not a dissimilar idea to having a regular dental check-up.
We all have a central nervous system and a spine, no matter how old we are. If you’re 7 weeks old or 97 years old you may benefit from Chiropractic care.
Chiropractic care comes in many different forms and is not necessarily synonymous with having an adjustment or any manual treatment. It may just be as simple as exercise or home care advice or patient education. Our job is to help guide you & your children through their formative years so that they grew up into healthy strong adults.
The majority of older children and adults seek a Chiropractor for pain. Low back pain, headaches, neck pain, shoulder dysfunctions etc. Majority of the time the pain you are feeling, which causes you to seek help, can often be a late symptom. Pain is a warning, a message from your brain to say that there may be tissue damage and therefore to be careful. But it often comes when you are almost as the end of your tether and really your brain has been aware of this ‘break down pattern’ for a while, sometimes even years, and it has been effectively compensating and monitoring the way you move your body so you can keep on keeping on. Once your body is at this stage it can take up to 12 weeks, for some tissues, for the initial healing process to take place. You are also then left with some residual scar tissue and can poor control and movement of the injured body part.
What if you picked up the warning signs of a ‘break down pattern’ before the development of pain or any tissue damage actually took place?
Again this is a similar principle to getting a filling in a small cavity in a tooth, to reduce the risk of root damage.
Chiropractors are university trained in the normal functioning of the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. We are trained to assess all areas of mobility and control to ensure there are no unexplained assymetries or areas of potential weakness which may lead to pain syndromes, injuries and postural faults in adulthood.
Remember prevention is often better than a cure.