Better body, better mind, better health
As Chiropractors, we diagnose, treat and prevent mechanical disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system (nerves, muscles, bones, and joints). We plan individual treatment interventions including a variety of manual adjustments, soft tissue techniques, rehabilitation exercises and patient education. We work to help you build a strong physical and neurological framework upon which you can maintain your long-term health and well-being.
Our approach to Chiropractic
At Better Health we take a holistic and integrated approach to your healthcare and we work hard to fulfill our aim in delivering the best in evidence-based Chiropractic care. When injury does occur we know that the right diagnosis is essential, but that execution of care and proper management is everything. We put together injury management plans for challenging cases, but we also have systems in place for those who want to take a pro-active approach to optimising their health over the longer term.
Our practice is structured so that we can see your case right through from start to finish. We strive to provide each client with a seamless experience and to take the hassle out of healthcare. Our goal is for the children in our practice, to be able to thoroughly embrace and enjoy their growing years, and for the adults to lead healthy and active lives at maximum potential.