Just like any muscles in your body, your pelvic floor muscles can go into spasm. And just like any muscle in spasm, with the right intervention and in the right hands, treatment can be simple, fast and with permanent results.
Millions of women suffer silently from pelvic floor disorders, but they don’t mention their symptoms to health professionals because they are embarrassed or because they don’t think help is available. The ultimate irony is that pelvic floor disorders affect about one in three women – no need to be embarrassed or think you’re alone!
This blog is going to focus on Vaginismus, which is basically a vagina in panic. It is an involuntary tightening of the pelvic floor muscles in anticipation of vaginal penetration and therefore affects a woman’s ability to engage in any form of vaginal penetration. Women and their male partners, will often describe attempts to have intercourse as ‘hitting a brick wall’ or ‘I am too small.’ Women will tend to avoid gynaecologic examination, or will suffer terribly through them and with regards to tampons, they often settle for sanitary pads.
When you are experiencing pain ‘down there’ all the time, you start clamping down with anticipation of any penetration. And just like any other muscle in your body, all that tension can eventually cause spasms. In the case of vaginismus, the vagina is in a constant state of clench, completely unintentional and out of your control.
Physiotherapy is generally the first-line treatment because it’s the least invasive. People think physio is sports-related, or they think I’ll just teach them exercises. But it’s much more comprehensive than that. This is great news as there is no need to suffer because treatment for vaginismus is available, and there is a cure!
Common symptoms of vaginismus
- Burning or stinging with tightness during sex
- Entry pain
- Uncomfortable, difficult or impossible penetration
- Ongoing sexual discomfort or pain following childbirth, yeast/urinary infections, STDs, IC, hysterectomy, cancer and surgeries, rape, menopause, or other issues
- Ongoing sexual pain of unknown origin, with no apparent cause.
- Difficulty inserting tampons or undergoing a pelvic/gynecological exam
- Avoidance of sex due to pain and/or failure
If you have any of the above signs and symptoms and have been suffering in silence, we highly suggest you talking with one of our women’s health physiotherapist about the potential of pelvic floor therapy for you.
For more information email
or phone reception 9158 0722